” … and all the people were very happy because of what God had accomplished so quickly (T.L.B.).” ~II Chronicles 29:36
I am excited to announce that our $175,000 goal to fund the renovations, remodeling and furnishings for this new pregnancy center opening in late spring has been reached … and is now being surpassed. Praise God!
Your heart and passion for making our pregnancy center in Fountain possible is so inspiring! To the more than 125 individuals and organizations who have already made an investment in fully funding this expansion of our services and making this center a reality … thank you! What a blessing to see so many of you want to help expand our life-changing, life-saving work to Fountain Valley. The eternal return on your generous support will be seen for generations to come.
If you feel called to be part of this new thing God is doing in Fountain, here are three ways you can still engage:

- SUPPORT: Now that the funds needed to open our doors have been raised, additional gifts toward this Fountain campaign will support the specific services we will provide women, men and their babies there in 2021.
For those who wish to invest in a specific area of what we do – pregnancy support and tests, ultrasounds, or women’s and men’s coaching – there is the opportunity to contribute toward a week’s or a month’s worth of services in these areas. You can find more details, or give a general gift, on our special Fountain webpage.
2. PRAYER: We would covet your prayers for this center in the weeks ahead. Join us in praying for protection and favor for the center … for quick approval of building permits so we can begin renovations … for building awareness of this center for women and men who desperately need our services and care … and for wisdom in the hiring of staff and volunteers to serve the clients God brings to us with excellence.
3. SERVE: If you are interested in opportunities to volunteer at our Fountain location, whether it’s being part of the onsite prayer team, or being trained to serve in an ongoing basis at the center, please visit our volunteer page. Or, for more information, contact our volunteer coordinator, Kristin Ellsworth, at kellsworth@elifenetwork.com or 719-355-1176.
There’s still time to join the momentum of what God is going in Fountain Valley through His people. Once again, thank you for standing in the gap with us for the moms, dads, students and babies in need in Fountain Valley. What a mighty God we serve!