Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center

The Colorado Springs Pregnancy Centers meet women and men facing unplanned pregnancies in their time of need. Through providing free medical services in conjunction with compassionate, nonjudgmental options counseling and the promise of future support, we empower our patients to make life-affirming choices for their families.
We have three locations, one centrally located on Galley Road across from the Citadel Mall, one on the Westside on Centennial just down the street from our city’s abortion clinic, and our newest addition in Fountain Valley, which opened in June of 2021. Each center is equipped with nurses and trained patient services staff who work with thousands of patients each year, offering help, practical support, education and hope. Each location also connects patients to our parenting education outreaches for both moms and dads. With escalating rates of STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) in our community, free STD testing and treatment was added to our services in 2014 so Life Network can provide more comprehensive sexual health services to our community, encouraging each person we come in contact with on their value with the love of Christ.
Through our pregnancy centers we have the opportunity to see God use the miracle of ultrasound to change and save lives. On average, 89% of abortion-vulnerable women choose life after meeting their baby on the ultrasound screen.
Colorado Springs Pregnancy Centers provide:
- Pregnancy Testing
- Ultrasounds
- STD Testing & Treatment
- Pregnancy Options Education
- Community and Medical Referrals
- Emergency Material Needs
Watch the video below to hear Audrey’s story and learn how the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center changed her life.
Every initial patient appointment in our pregnancy centers involves options counseling. In our appointments, we talk through the implications of all three options a woman may be considering.
While our centers do not perform or refer for abortion, nearly half of our patients arrive in our centers considering that option. We believe that each of these women needs access to medically accurate information from a source that does not benefit in any way from their decision. We provide women with the truth of what abortion procedures truly entail, including the physical, emotional and spiritual risks.
Choosing to make an adoption plan helps many women regain stability in their personal lives and creates a positive future for their child. However, many of our patients come in with an outdated view of adoption. We help our patients understand that adoption can be an incredible redemptive and selfless choice. We work with several local adoption agencies who will send an agent to our centers to meet directly with our patients and form an adoption plan.
Through the miracle of ultrasound and education on fetal development, we get the opportunity to help our patients with a positive pregnancy test understand the reality of their baby's life. We then desire to address any concerns they may have for their own capacity for healthy, equipped parenthood. By sharing all of the resources and supportive programs we provide, new parents can feel empowered to choose life.
Looking for services related to your pregnancy?
Visit our pregnancy center website or come by one of our locations: