Monthly Prayer Needs

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18 

We would love for you to join us in praying for Life Network and our local outreaches into the community. This page is updated monthly with our most recent praises and prayer requests. We have broken out prayers & praises by week so that you can focus your prayers on whatever specific events or needs are occurring in the ministry at the time. Thank you for your heart for our mission and for joining us as prayer partners!

Want to join our Monthly Prayer Email list? Receive Life Network’s prayer needs directly to your inbox to partner with us in lifting up our ministry. We couldn’t do this without your prayer support! Click below to join today.

October Prayer Needs

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.  Psalm 126:3

 Week one (October 1st – 5th)

Praise the Lord for blessing last week’s Gala. We are so grateful for the generosity of the ministry partners who attended the event, enabling us to continue impacting and transforming lives in our community.

Please pray for the Life Network leadership team this week as we meet to plan and pray over the ministry goals for 2025. Pray that we will hear from the Lord. Pray for clarity and unity as we chart the course for the next year of ministry.

Week two (October 6th – 12th)

This week we will move into the new pregnancy center on the east side of town. Please pray for all the details to come together, for all the furnishings and supplies to arrive on time, and for the volunteers with the expertise needed to help with many projects.

Please continue to pray for the training of the newly hired staff for the thrift store and the pregnancy center.

Week three (October 13th – 19th)

Please pray for the team this week as we are continuing to work on the budgets for 2025. Pray that we will have wisdom and clarity and anticipate the needs in our respective departments and the entire ministry.

Pray for the current staff positions that we have open. Pray for a nurse and for pregnancy center support staff. We specifically pray to fill the need for bilingual (Spanish-speaking) team members.

Week four (October 20th – 26th)

This week, on Wednesday, we will be celebrating the grand opening of the Eastside Pregnancy Center. Please pray for a beautiful day of celebration with the community of ministry partners, staff, and volunteers. We praise the Lord for all He has done, bringing this new location to the growing east side of our city to fruition.

Week five (October 27th – 30th)

As we continue to expand, we will need volunteers in all our locations. Please pray specifically for more pregnancy center advocates and coaches for the parenting programs.

Pray that the Lord continuously keeps his hand of protection on Life Network as we seek to share the truth in love. Pray that those who need the services we provide.  Pray they will find us and walk through the doors of the pregnancy centers.

If you would like to receive real-time text updates for prayers requests, text LIFE to: 855-739-0615.