Saving more lives than ever … one life at a time!

In recent weeks, I’ve heard from many of you who are discouraged by the recent pro-abortion developments at the national level that have occurred with the administration change in January.

Our country is once again using our taxes to fund abortions overseas with the rollback of the Mexico City Policy … the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) is pursuing reinstating federal funding for abortion providers under the Title X family-planning program, which would increase taxpayer funds for Planned Parenthood by $60 million … and the new president nominated Xavier Beccera as his HHS Secretary. As California’s Attorney General, Beccera tried to force pro-life pregnancy centers to post and provide information about abortion to their clients. This law was later ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in the NIFLA v. Beccera decision in June 2018.

Like you, our team has mourned these developments. Now, our attention has shifted to, “What are we going to do about it?” My friend and Colson Center president John Stonestreet recently reminded me of a great passage in C.S. Lewis’ The Silver Chair, which was one of my favorite books as a child. “Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.”

While national politics are certainly important, there are meaningful ways you can make a deep impact for life right here in our community. Together, we can focus our energy and resources on saving the lives of preborn babies … show God’s love by meeting tangible needs for moms, dads and students … and transform hearts for Christ in our community across our programs that you help make possible.

In this spirit, our team has decided that our ministry’s theme for this year is One Life at a Time. Things at the national level may be disheartening, but here in El Paso County with you by our side, we are committed to making a difference one life at a time with those we reach in our pregnancy centers … in our schools … and in our thrift store.

Pregnancy center opening soon in Fountain Valley

Soon, our ministry to protect the lives of preborn babies – and pour into the lives of their parents – will expand with the opening of a pregnancy center in Fountain Valley. This center, which will be our third, will be located right in the heart of an area where we know women and men are facing crisis pregnancies every day. Among those we will be serving will be a large military population.

In the next couple weeks, you will hear more about how you can make this work possible by financially supporting this center, which we plan to open in late Spring. If you’d like to help us get a head start on this $175,000 campaign, visit our donation page and indicate that you’d like to designate your gift for our pregnancy center in Fountain Valley. With your help, we pray we can open this center debt free by June!

We are also seeking volunteers for this location for multiple roles. To complete a volunteer application, just visit the volunteering page on our website.

While pro-life developments at the national level aren’t as we’d hope, with your help we will expand our services and impact here in our own community, changing and saving more lives than ever before … one life at a time!

To God be the glory,

Give the Gift of Life Today!

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