New Colorado legislation leaves little lives hanging in the balance

Long before valuing human life was a political issue, it was a biblical issue. God knows every one of us intimately before we are even conceived (Jeremiah 1:5) … He creates the inner most being of every life (Psalm 139:13) … He has a unique plan for every one of us (Jeremiah 29:11) … and every human life is made in His image (Genesis 1:27).

In the early morning hours of March 10, the Colorado House Health and Insurance Committee approved legislation that, if passed, will become the most extreme pro-abortion law in the country. As I shared in the testimony I provided the committee earlier this week, “What weighs int he balance with this bill is nothing short of life and death … human decency vs. human destruction … healthy teens or devastated ones.”

This pro-abortion bill now proceeds to the House floor for a vote. As Christians who are called to protect human life, here’s why this matters – and what you can do.

What the Bill Would Do

If enacted, the so-called Reproductive Health Equity Act (HB 22-1279) will codify the following into state law:

  1. Allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, including:
    1. Partial-birth abortion (infanticide of a baby partially birthed from the womb);
    2. Abortion based on discrimination of sex, race or disabilities such as Down Syndrome.
  2. Muddy and potentially eliminate the requirement that parents of minors be notified if their child receives an abortion.
  3. Deprive the preborn of all legal rights in the state of Colorado
  4. Prohibit any regulation of abortion.

Pro-abortion activists are pushing for a quick vote because they are worried that the U.S. Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade with their upcoming Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision, which is expected to be handed down by June.

What We Can Do

  1. Pray: Sometimes we think of this as a last resort or a cherry on top of other actions. But what’s needed first is prayer. Pray that our legislators would see how destructive these actions will be to women, men and families in Colorado. Pray for wisdom and discernment for those in both the Colorado House and Senate who will be debating, potentially revising, and then voting on this bill in the days ahead. Pray for those who are already solidly defending life to their colleagues – for their fortitude and perseverance. Pray for God’s mercy on Colorado.

  2. Let Your Voice Be Heard: There are three El Paso County legislators who are most likely to vote “yes” on this deadly bill. As it proceeds to the House floor and than Senate for a vote, send each an email urging them to vote NO on HB 1279:

    Rep. Marc Snyder
    Rep. Tony Exum
    Senator Pete Lee

    When you click on the email links above, sample email copy will populate. Feel free to either customize it with your own comments or send it as-is. As their constituents, let them know how you feel about this bill. Consider sharing this with pro-life friends, encouraging them to do the same.

    People opposed to this radical pro-abortion bill are also invited to attend a public rally in opposition to House Bill 1279 starting at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 12, on the west side of the Colorado State Capitol in downtown Denver. You can find more details on this rally here.

  3. Live Out What You Are For: As Christians, we are against radical measures like this that destroy life. But we are also FOR things that protect, value and support human life.

    During Sanctity of Human Life Month and in the weeks that followed, we are grateful for those who stepped forward to pursue ways to serve with us. Our three area pregnancy centers continue to seek women and men willing to serve in volunteer roles. If you are interested in coming alongside young people facing unexpected pregnancies – to encourage and support them as parents – visit Life Network’s volunteer web page.

    We are on pact to provide a record number of ultrasounds in 2022. Now more than ever, we need people who value life to help us provide life-revealing ultrasounds to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. Would you prayerfully consider standing with us monthly by becoming a Partner for Life? Just $50 a month can provide an ultrasound to a woman vulnerable to abortion.

Lastly, be assured that none of this takes God by surprise and He remains on the throne. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~ Isaiah 41:10

Thank you for standing in the gap for life with us in Colorado!

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