Missed it? Watch our Gala from home

Grateful doesn’t even begin to describe how we’re feeling here at Life Network following the Life in This City Gala! What a blessing in this unique year to join with so many of you at churches across Colorado Springs to value life in this city.

More than 800 people across the city joined us for this special event, including an impactful address from Abby Johnson! We recognize that many of you were not able to attend or may not be quite comfortable attending in-person events yet. Don’t worry: you don’t have to miss out! We want everyone to have the chance to experience the Life In This City Gala in this unique season, so you now have the opportunity to watch the program from your own home!

Whether you gather a group of friends together to watch, or just watch it as a family, we are excited for you to see this inspiring program! If you plan to watch with a group and would like materials to engage further, please fill out this form, and we’d be happy to get materials to you. Included will be our Gala programs – complete with a month-by-month 2020-21 calendar with photos of our clients and their sweet children! – and response cards to give financially.

We look forward to sharing an update on our fundraising results soon. Please be in prayer for God’s provision for our ministry in this uncertain year. We can’t thank you enough for your faithful support of Life Network and your heart to value life in this city!

Give the Gift of Life Today!

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