From Abortion Minded to Adoption Minded: Sylvia’s Story

When Sylvia (not her real name) came to the center, she was 28 weeks pregnant. She was in complete shock, had zero support from family and the father of her baby, and was worried that she couldn’t raise a child on her own. She didn’t want to be a parent. But she knew time was short. She had to decide. The patient advocate was there to comfort Sylvia and discuss her options. She left that day in a daze — confused and frightened — but still strongly considering abortion. At 34 weeks along, Sylvia came back and told the patient advocate she wanted to have her baby and place her with a family through adoption. “I can feel her moving around inside of me,” she said. The staff prayed with Sylvia for God’s guidance. Because time was short, the center team immediately referred Sylvia to a Christ-centered adoption agency. The agency advocate carefully explained the adoption process. The agency also told Sylvia about several possible adoptive families. One family stood out. At their first meeting, Sylvia and the adoptive parents connected right away. She was confident this was the family she wanted to raise her baby. Sylvia had a healthy eightpound girl. The family chose to honor Sylvia by giving the baby her middle name: Jane, which means “God is gracious.” Everyone involved recognized God’s grace through the whole process. When it was time to leave the hospital, Sylvia made a brave decision and went to the room across the hall to visit the adoptive family and their newborn. She was able to hold her baby girl and say goodbye. Sylvia studied her beautiful baby and counted all her fingers and toes. She never wanted to forget. The next day, Sylvia told the center team, “I tried not to get attached the entire pregnancy. I never wanted to see the ultrasound screen, and I handed her off right away. But when she was born, I did get attached. She was perfect and beautiful. Is that selfish?” The staff reassured Sylvia that she was not selfish at all — that, in fact, she was amazingly selfless. Thanks to open adoption, the family will update Sylvia as her baby grows. Baby Jane — God’s child, born in His grace — is a great reminder that His love is the reason for this important work you support. Thank you and God bless you for your prayers and partnership in this life-saving work!

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