By now, you’ve likely heard the news that on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, New York passed what some are calling the most extreme piece of abortion legislation in the nation, allowing abortion through all nine months of pregnancy to protect the health (emotional, mental or physical) of the mother. Led by its Governor, this tragic development was punctuated by celebrations.
The next week, we were stunned again by comments about a similar bill in Virginia from its Governor Ralph Northam – a physician – that alarmingly not only embraced abortion at any time during a woman’s pregnancy, but implied supporting infanticide post-birth as well. We praise God that this bill was stopped in committee and will not progress further.
Then, news broke of proposed legislation in Vermont that would go even further than New York, if passed. The bill would make abortion a fundamental right and allow abortions during all nine months of pregnancy for any or no reason at all. In the face of such heartbreaking bills and laws, it can be easy to feel helpless and discouraged. We certainly grieve for the lives that will be lost and the lives forever changed as a result of such destructive legislation.

Yet, we also have reasons for hope. Through our online efforts here locally, we are reaching an increasing number of women contemplating abortion in Colorado Springs. In fact, in 2018 we performed 30% more ultrasounds than just two years before. God is on the move for life in our community!
Especially in our state where it is legal for women to get an abortion at any point during her pregnancy, it’s vital that women know abortion isn’t their only option. Supported by our centers, they can choose life, receive parenting mentoring and resources, and be introduced to the One who gives abundant life!
You may feel helpless, but when you pray, volunteer or support our life-giving work at Life Network, you prove that things are not hopeless. As it says in Galatians 6, let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Please join us in continuing to pray for the women considering abortion in Colorado, as well as in states like New York and Vermont. We also covet your prayers as we work to reach as many women as possible with resources, help and hope in our community.
Express your support for life locally
If you want to show your commitment for LIFE in the wake of these deeply disturbing developments, would you consider making a financial donation? Gifts, especially monthly gifts, help us reach more women through digital media technology who we might not otherwise meet. God bless you!