Monthly Prayer Needs

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18 

We would love for you to join us in praying for Life Network and our local outreaches into the community. This page is updated monthly with our most recent praises and prayer requests. We have broken out prayers & praises by week so that you can focus your prayers on whatever specific events or needs are occurring in the ministry at the time. Thank you for your heart for our mission and for joining us as prayer partners!

Want to join our Monthly Prayer Email list? Receive Life Network’s prayer needs directly to your inbox to partner with us in lifting up our ministry. We couldn’t do this without your prayer support! Click below to join today.

May Prayer Needs

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day, Proverbs 4:18  

Week One: May 1 – 4 

Would you give thanks for the Education for a Lifetime program as the team wraps up an incredible school year? This year, they presented the message of healthy relationships, suicide prevention, and mental health awareness across El Paso County and beyond. These programs ensure that students and youth in our community know their value and help them to make healthy relationship decisions.  

Week Two: May 5 – 11 

Please pray for those who serve in the pregnancy center this week. Pray that they are filled with the joy and the confidence that comes from the Lord as they meet daily with those seriously contemplating abortion. Pray that they put on the full armor of God each day as they prepare to meet with young women and men struggling with difficult life-and-death and death decisions. Pray for wisdom and peace in the hearts of our staff and advocates as they help those dealing with some traumatic experiences – pray that those who need more help can get into our counseling program.  

Week Three: May 12 – 18 

It is such a privilege to see the moms and dads in the parenting programs flourish as they become equipped, confident parents. Please pray that those contemplating joining the program would see the value of the support they can receive and that they would take the step toward healthy parenting education and encouragement. Praise God for such a wonderful team of committed coaches that meet with these moms and dads twice a month and walk this journey with them.  

Week Four: May 19 – 25 

As we look toward the summer months please remember the Life Network Family Thrift Store in your prayers. Pray for an abundance of volunteers to help in the sorting room processing donations as well as those that volunteer on the sales floor serving our customers. Pray for generous sales so that funds can continue to cultivate a community that values life through our ministry outreaches.  

Please pray for those that have an abortion in their past. Pray that they will find their way into a post abortion healing group and begin the journey toward being forgiven and set free. 

Week Five: May 26 – 31 

Please pray for the Walk for Life this Saturday June 1st at Memorial Park. This will be our 37th year of Walking for Life in Colorado Springs and we are so excited to gather with the body of Christ to celebrate all that the Lord has done! This family friendly event has become a launch into summer for so many supporters of life in our community. Pray that the weather is beautiful, for safety for all that attend the event, that the park is full of those that love and value life, and that we meet our fundraising goal.  

If you would like to receive real-time text updates for prayers requests, text LIFE to: 855-739-0615.