Construction is coming along well. Since you have helped make this project possible, I want to let you in on the excitement!
It’s energizing to watch this space transform from a shell of a building that was a liquor store and gun shop – to what will be our fourth pregnancy center, our second thrift store and future administrative offices.
Here are the now framed-in walls of our future pregnancy center.

Now that the steel has been installed, this is the future thrift store.

This is the future Life Network entrance, where by elevator or stairs people will go to the second floor where our administrative offices and training room will be.

And this is a design and mood board we are using to guide our décor and furnishings.

In short, things are coming together very well! Our goal remains to open the pregnancy center in October … the thrift store soon after (Oct./Nov) … and then move into the admin area by the end of the year.
We would covet your prayers that the project would stay on track time-wise… that God would continue bringing the right people into the right staff and volunteer roles … and for protection over our team. Anytime God is up to big things, the Enemy loves to try and chip away at that – and we are seeing evidence of that. Pray for peace, perseverance, and unity among our incredible and called team.
Thank you for being an integral part of what God is doing on the Eastside of our city. Be encouraged … it’s going to be truly AMAZING.