Your gift will be used to value and preserve life in our community. If a specific need has been met, your gift will be applied to our next greatest need. 

All donations to Life Network are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Protect Preborn Babies

“I don’t want to have an abortion, but I don’t see another way.”

On a typical day in our city, seven women are searching online for desperate options in the face of an unexpected pregnancy, and they contact us for help. Without support, most would choose abortion.

You can help us reach her first with advertising that will meet her in her desperation. Your support will empower her with compassionate care … a medical-grade ultrasound … and a life-revealing ultrasound.

NEED: $250,000

Will provide a medical grade pregnancy test, ultrasound, and nursing care for 250 women.

Will provide an entire month of advertising to reach women vulnerable to abortion.

Will provide a medical-grade pregnancy test, ultrasound, and nursing care for one woman each month for a year.

Give a gift to help protect more preborn babies!

Equip Parents to Thrive

“I have no idea how to be a parent – or how I’m going to afford it.”

When a couple chooses to parent, their journey with our Colorado Springs Pregnancy
Centers is only beginning. With your support, we can provide each new mom and
dad with a personal coach, training classes, and videos to help grow their confidence as parents.

Thanks to you, we will also make available material resources they “earn as they learn.” That includes a crib … car seat … sweet baby clothes … diapers and formula … gift
cards to our thrift store … and more. There’s also professional counseling available for those who need it. 

NEED: $200,000

Will supply 1,000 patients with prenatal vitamins to promote the healthy development of their preborn babies.

Will provide baby clothing for five moms and their babies monthly.

Will fund two Dad Bros meetings so that dads can meet together and build community.

Provide a gift to help equip more parents.

Expand Life-Saving Impact

“Colorado Springs can’t really grow north or south and definitely can’t grow west. So, we’re growing east, and they are out here in droves.” ~ Local realtor

Colorado is one of the most pro-abortion states in the country. Establishing additional life-saving resources in our growing community is vital – and nowhere locally is growing faster than our city’s eastside, including Falcon.

With your help, we will launch a fourth Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center at the intersection of Woodmen and Meridian Road this fall. Without a center, women considering desperate options on the east side of our community will seek abortion.

Through your support, you will save more babies from abortion by establishing a pro-life pregnancy center in Colorado Springs’ fastest-growing area.

NEED: $150,000

Will provide a medical-grade pregnancy test, ultrasound, and nursing care for 100 women at our new Eastside location.

Will secure our first year of targeted online advertising to reach women on the Eastside seeking desperate pregnancy options.

Will provide parenting materials and resources for the Eastside moms and dads God brings through our doors.

Provide a gift to help fund our newest location, and save even more babies’ lives.

Give a Gift Where Most Needed